Perfume Display: How to Organise Your Fragrances

Perfume Display: How to Organise Your Fragrances

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Key Takeaways

Topic Details
Choosing the Perfect Display Assess your space and choose a display type that suits it. Clear acrylic stands, decorative trays, glass domes and custom-made shelves are some of the options.
Organising by Fragrance Type Group together similar fragrances for easy access. For instance, vanilla, sweet or gourmand perfumes can be grouped together.
Organising by Fragrance Family Organise your perfumes based on their fragrance family. Musk, oriental or powdery perfumes can have their dedicated sections.
Conclusion Organising perfumes enhance your overall perfume experience. It's about exploring your scent preferences and creating a visual treat.



Imagine stepping into a room and being greeted by a delightful medley of fragrances that instantly transport you to a blooming garden, a tropical beach, or a cosy winter cabin. That's the power of a well-organised perfume collection! Not only does it heighten our senses, it also reflects our personality and mood. In this article, we will guide you on how to curate, categorise, and store your perfumes, turning them into a visual and olfactory masterpiece.

Creating a fragrance collection is a deeply personal journey. It's a reflection of your personal style, your memories, and your aspirations. It's about exploring and discovering scents that resonate with you, scents that make you feel good, scents that tell your story. At Àerre, we believe in the art of scent and the joy it brings to everyday life. Let's embark on this fragrant journey together!

Building Your Fragrance Collection

A fragrance wardrobe is a collection of perfumes that you can rotate based on your mood, the season, the occasion, or even the outfit you're wearing. Think of it as an olfactory closet, filled with different scents to suit your varying needs and desires.

Now, you might wonder, how many perfumes should you have in your collection? The answer is as many as you need to express your diverse moods and styles! Whether you prefer keeping a minimalist collection with everyday perfumes or want to explore a wide spectrum of fragrances, we've got you covered.

The journey to building a fragrance collection should be fun and exciting. Start by exploring different scent families – floral, woody, fruity, spicy, and more. Our all-perfumes collection is a great place to start your exploration. Don't be afraid to step out of your comfort zone and try something new. You might just find a new favourite!

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Categorising Your Perfumes

Perfumes are typically grouped into four main categories: Fresh, Floral, Oriental, and Woody. Each category has a unique character and is further divided into subcategories. For instance, our floral perfume collection includes a variety of scents from light and delicate to rich and intense.

Grouping your perfumes based on their scent profile not only makes your collection visually appealing but also makes it easier for you to choose a perfume based on your mood or the occasion. Are you feeling playful and energetic? Reach out for a fruity perfume from our fruit perfumes collection. Want to exude elegance and sophistication? A scent from our elegant perfume collection would be perfect.

Categorising your perfumes can be a fun and enlightening exercise. It can help you understand your scent preferences better and guide you in expanding your collection. It's like creating a scent map that leads to discovering your signature scent.

Storing Your Perfumes

Now that you've started building and categorising your perfume collection, it's crucial to understand how to properly store them. Perfumes are delicate creations that can be affected by heat, light, and humidity. Therefore, your perfume bottles should be stored in a cool, dark place, away from direct sunlight and extreme temperature fluctuations.

Avoid storing your fragrances in the bathroom, as the heat and humidity from showers can degrade the perfume's quality over time. Instead, consider keeping them in your bedroom, inside a drawer or a cupboard. Our quality perfume collection is packed with scents that are meticulously crafted and deserve the utmost care.

It's also worth noting that the lifespan of perfumes can vary. Generally, most perfumes can last anywhere between 3 to 5 years. However, this can be extended if the perfume is stored properly. Remember, a well-preserved perfume can offer you a timeless scent experience.

Shop Quality Perfumes

Sampling Multiple Fragrances

Before adding a new perfume to your collection, sampling is key! It allows you to experience the fragrance on your skin and see how it evolves over time. This is because everyone's skin chemistry is unique, and a perfume can smell differently on different people.

When you're sampling multiple fragrances, apply each on a different pulse point for easy comparison. You can also use scent strips if you don't want to apply the perfume directly onto your skin. Remember, patience is key here. Allow the fragrance to settle and evolve before making a decision.

At Àerre, we understand the importance of sampling and offer a wide range of unisex perfumes that you can try. Sampling is a fun and exciting way to explore new scents and find ones that truly resonate with you.

Shop Unisex Perfumes

Layering Perfumes

Layering perfumes is an art. It's about combining two or more fragrances to create a unique scent that's completely your own. It's like being a perfumer in your own right! However, layering perfumes require a bit of understanding about the scent families and how they interact with each other.

Generally, you can layer up to three perfumes at once. But remember, the key is balance. Start with a lighter scent as your base and then add a stronger scent. For instance, you can start with a fresh, citrusy scent from our summer perfume collection, and then layer it with a floral or woody scent.

To make your layered scent last, apply each layer after the previous one has dried down. Also, apply your perfume on pulse points like your wrists, behind your ears, and your neck. These areas are warmer and will help diffuse the scent beautifully throughout the day.

Shop Summer Perfumes

Closing Thoughts 

Creating an organised perfume display is not just about aesthetics, but it's about celebrating the art of scent. It's about exploring, discovering, and appreciating the world of perfumes. Remember, there are no rigid rules in the world of fragrances. It's all about what makes you feel good and what tells your story.

We hope this guide has inspired you to start or expand your fragrance collection. At Àerre, we're here to help you on this fragrant journey. From classic perfumes to autumn perfumes and woody perfumes, we have a scent for every mood, season, and occasion.

Remember, your fragrance collection is a reflection of you. So, don't be afraid to experiment, try new scents, and mix and match to create a scent that's uniquely yours. After all, perfumes are the unseen, unforgettable, ultimate accessory of fashion. Happy scent hunting :)


Frequently Asked Questions

  1. How do I start building a fragrance collection? Start by exploring different scent families – floral, woody, fruity, spicy, and more. Don't be afraid to step out of your comfort zone and try something new. You can also sample different perfumes before committing to a full bottle.

  2. How many perfumes should I have in my collection? The number of perfumes in your collection is entirely up to you. It could be as few as three for different occasions or as many as twenty to suit your varying moods and styles.

  3. How should I store my perfumes? Perfumes should be stored in a cool, dark place, away from direct sunlight and extreme temperature fluctuations. Avoid storing your fragrances in the bathroom, as the heat and humidity can degrade the perfume's quality.

  4. What are the four main categories of perfume? Perfumes are typically grouped into four main categories: Fresh, Floral, Oriental, and Woody. Each category has a unique character and can be further divided into subcategories.

  5. How do I sample multiple fragrances? Apply each fragrance on a different pulse point or use scent strips for easy comparison. Allow the fragrance to settle and evolve before making a decision.

  6. How many perfumes can I layer at once? Generally, you can layer up to three perfumes at once. Start with a lighter scent as your base and then add a stronger scent.

  7. Where should I not store perfume? Avoid storing your perfumes in the bathroom, as the heat and humidity from showers can degrade the perfume's quality over time.

  8. How do I make my layered perfume last? Apply each layer after the previous one has dried down. Also, apply your perfume on pulse points like your wrists, behind your ears, and your neck.

  9. What is the lifespan of perfume? Generally, most perfumes can last anywhere between 3 to 5 years. However, this can be extended if the perfume is stored properly.